Monday, April 26, 2010

Trip To India - Mumbai

A short blog on a month long vacation in India.
It started off with packing those big suitcases. Me being a good helpful daughter as always, did my share of work - packing my toys, clothes and finally load testing of suitcases and approving them..

It was my first time in a flight. Hardly did I expect that its gonna be this loooooooooong a journey. But Dadda Mamma say I did good. Much better than what they expected.The moment we landed at the Mumbai Airport, I saw a glow on Mom Dad's face. It was as if that happiness of reaching ones own country (esp after three long years)  overpowered all the tiredness caused by the 25 hours long flight.

The minute we stepped out from the airport, it was so warm and humid. Amongst the ocean of people, I saw someone waving at me - that was my Achachan. Then I saw a totally excited face who was standing with a board to welcome the three of us (Thank you so much for putting in all the effort to make something so precious)

That was none other than my Tuttu Appachi (Archu - Dadda's Sister). And then I saw my Achamma and Hashu (Harsh) Mama. 
Initially I was a little hesitant to go to any of them. All I did was just stand and stare

But the love and pampering that I got, couldnt keep me away from them for a long time

I did a lot of stuff in Mumbai. Shopping at the malls, cycling, dancing, being pampered

Visited relatives and friends too

We didnt even realize how a month passed with Achacha, Achamma

And Appachi & Hashu Mama

I miss you all :(

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